Dwarven Dilemma 1.1

Dwarven Dilemma 1.1 Update:


  • Added another boulder (making the total 6 boulders falling)
  • Added caution signs below where the boulders are about to fall to give the player more warning
  • Added a minecart with a track that cycles back and forth on the floor after level 4
  • Added controller support. (Only Certain Controllers will work right now)
  • Added a new item (coffee) to buy within the shop, it gives a +250% speed boost for 10 seconds when the game starts
  • Added a heart that occasionally falls that will refill one heart back to the player
  • Added a main menu with options, credits, and an exit button
  • Added settings in the options menu which include: fullscreen and windowed modes, controller and keyboard controls, and volume control


  • Changed the level timer from 60 to 45 seconds
  • Changed the random boulder falling speed to fall 20% faster
  • Changed all of the text to the font “FieldGuide”
  • Changed the coin in the top right to be smaller to reduce screen clutter
  • Changed the original speed boost items in the shop from (20%, 40%, 60%) to (50%, 75%, 100%)
  • Changed the game over screen to show up for 5 seconds instead of 8 then it will reset the game
  • Changed When you open the pause menu midgame it will now reset the time and boulders position

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed hitboxes on the boulders falling to be correct sizes
  • Fixed various problems with text alignment
  • Fixed boulders now falling at the correct speed
  • Fixed while being in the pause menu you could get stuck in the air
  • Fixed while being in the pause menu you could open the shop
  • Fixed various sound bugs
  • Fixed a bug where when jumping you could access the store which would get you stuck in the air
  • Fixed a bug where the instructions screen wouldn’t close
  • Fixed a bug where you could jump while in the pause menu
  • Fixed a bug that allowed you to open and close the shop menu at the same time


Dwarven Dilemma 1.1 15 MB
Jun 01, 2024

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